This indian usability/ux blog attempts to bridge the gap between user requirements research & user interface design. Muthu is based in Bangalore, India & works in the xDesign team, Sun Microsystems Bangalore.
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Thursday, September 23, 2004

Bloggin Demerits & Information Cascading

So you blog? You think blogs are "awesome"?
Blogs are interactive! Blogs help you make friends world over.Blogs help in faster information disseminiation & retrieval.Blogs facilitate open communication. Blogs can be effectively used as an "online advertising tool" targetting specific communities/audiences.
Well, i do agree that blogs are beneficial in certain ways. My 'usability blog' even helped me get a new job!
But then, there could be bugs.....
Here's an example.
A choice has to be collectively made on a blog where the "comments" are kept open.Couple of recommendations are made by 2 different members of the online community.The third person recommends his choice, PURELY based on the recommendation made by the first person. Similary the fourth person recommends the option chosen by the third.If this continues, then there could be a possibility where a majority of 'em will end up making the wrong choice!
The results might work differently in blogs, where the user comments are seen only by the blog owner.
So the next time you read a blog, dont believe all the you read!

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